How to order |
To order our products, just simply following these few steps: 1. First, you need to have a credit card or an account with Pay Pal / Paysbuy (for Paysbuy you can also pay with your bank account in Thailand such as, . Then, go to the page where your wish to buy the product. If you want to TT the money to us instead please click 2. At the payment area, choose to pay through Pay Pal or Paysbuy (for thai customers) then click on the button of your payment gateway. If you do not have an account with the payment gateway yet , please sign up which would not take too long. Do not forget to use the address you actually live so the goods will be delivered successfully. When you have ordered, there will be a message for you to confirm your order. Carefully check if your name, the amount, colour, prices and the product code are correct. Once we received your order, we will reply you back by email or phone call to confirm of your order.
Please transfer your payment to our account : udomsin hanmathe saving account no. 209-0-43283-8 Bangkok Bank, Jatujak branch Swift code: BKKB THBK Please email us of your wanted type of product, amount, colour and etc. so that we could quote you the price. After that, please email us when you have transfered the payment and inform us of your address and telephone number. After your TT payment received, we will deliver the products to your address as soon as possible.
Details of our delivery : |
Thailand post : This is an easy and most trusted way for delivery within Thailand or from Thailand to just about anywhere in this world, please check for the details and its price. | For Both Local & International customers |